( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "cssClass" in /var/www/gospicefire.devphase.io/public_html/wp-content/themes/bateaux-child/functions.php on line 134
Call Stack
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( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "type" in /var/www/gospicefire.devphase.io/public_html/wp-content/themes/bateaux-child/functions.php on line 134
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Designing For Good

I had an anxious moment the other week, sitting in my home, working and wondering what am I doing to really help during the COVID-19 crisis? I was overwhelmed by the amount of information out there and the strong desire to do something (beyond the obvious social distancing). Most of us want to help more. People in the medical profession have a clear role; in fact a serious and very important role. But how could I, a designer, brand expert and innovator, help?


Maggie Parkhouse

VP of Design
Share Article

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "type" in /var/www/gospicefire.devphase.io/public_html/wp-content/themes/bateaux-child/functions.php on line 134
Call Stack
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Maggie Parkhouse

VP of Design
Share Article

( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "type" in /var/www/gospicefire.devphase.io/public_html/wp-content/themes/bateaux-child/functions.php on line 134
Call Stack
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101.330288771296bateaux_template( $template_path = 'section-content.php', $args = ['section' => ['backgroundType' => 'image', 'backgroundColor' => '#efedea', 'backgroundOpacity' => 90, 'backgroundUrl' => '', 'backgroundPosterUrl' => '', 'backgroundVideoUrl' => '', 'backgroundSize' => 'cover', 'backgroundPosition' => 'center center', 'backgroundRepeat' => 'repeat', 'backgroundAnimation' => 'none', 'parallaxSpeed' => 0, 'backgroundFixed' => FALSE, 'fitHeight' => FALSE, 'fitHeightPercent' => 100, 'fitHeightOffset' => '', 'fullWidth' => FALSE, 'borderThickness' => 0, 'borderColor' => 'default', 'colorScheme' => 'light', 'blocks' => [...], 'index' => 3, 'paddingBottom' => '80', 'sid' => 'contact', 'tabletLandscapeHidden' => TRUE, 'tabletHidden' => TRUE], 'index' => 3, 'sidebar' => FALSE, 'scroll_page' => FALSE, 'half_page_scroll' => FALSE], $options = ??? ).../blueprint-content.php:28
111.330288771024get_template_part( $slug = 'templates/bateaux/section-content', $name = ???, $args = ??? ).../bateaux-template.php:10
121.330288771304locate_template( $template_names = [0 => 'templates/bateaux/section-content.php'], $load = TRUE, $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ).../general-template.php:206
131.330388771464load_template( $_template_file = '/var/www/gospicefire.devphase.io/public_html/wp-content/themes/bateaux/templates/bateaux/section-content.php', $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ).../template.php:745
141.330588781032require( '/var/www/gospicefire.devphase.io/public_html/wp-content/themes/bateaux/templates/bateaux/section-content.php ).../template.php:812
151.330888783576bateaux_template_background( $data = ['backgroundType' => 'image', 'backgroundColor' => '#efedea', 'backgroundOpacity' => 90, 'backgroundUrl' => '', 'backgroundPosterUrl' => '', 'backgroundVideoUrl' => '', 'backgroundSize' => 'cover', 'backgroundPosition' => 'center center', 'backgroundRepeat' => 'repeat', 'backgroundAnimation' => 'none', 'parallaxSpeed' => 0, 'backgroundFixed' => FALSE, 'fitHeight' => FALSE, 'fitHeightPercent' => 100, 'fitHeightOffset' => '', 'fullWidth' => FALSE, 'borderThickness' => 0, 'borderColor' => 'default', 'colorScheme' => 'light', 'blocks' => [0 => [...]], 'index' => 3, 'paddingBottom' => '80', 'sid' => 'contact', 'tabletLandscapeHidden' => TRUE, 'tabletHidden' => TRUE], $scheme_bg_class = 'btx-p-bg-bg', $echo = ??? ).../section-content.php:7

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